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1. Teams Made Well
Class project.
When you read those words, what emotions and memories are evoked? While it depends on your actual experience, my guess is you can relate to some of the following situations. There is that one dominant person who tries to tell everyone what to do. They have an opinion on every single thing. They might even formally “appoint” themselves as the leader. Perhaps there are two who want to be dominant, and a power struggle breaks out from the start. Much of the conversation and group energy goes to figuring out who will have the final say on what happens.
Or maybe you are the only responsible person in the group. No matter how you split up the work, every time you get together you end up taking on a little bit more. Eventually you end up doing the project by yourself because you want to make sure you get a decent grade—even if that means getting no help from the group. Maybe you have one person who is never “available”
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Who is Team Work designed for?
How this book is organized
In this book, you'll get a framework for a different kind of team—one where personal excellence and sacrificial service at the individual level change the narrative of the larger group. Each chapter in Team Work is grounded in story, offers practical tips and self-reflection questions for team members, and ends with a word for leaders.